Things to do on the last day of summer
As summer is quickly coming to an end, and school is soon to begin, there are several ways to make the best of the last. Be it a last-minute camping trip with your friends, or - if you're more introverted -a peaceful picnic under the stars, below are 5 things you should do to get the best of the last 24 hours of summer.
1. Watch films
Make a list of all your favourite films, and of the ones you've always wanted to see, but never gotten around to do it. Be it thrillers, documentaries, soppy romantic or old classic films, so long as they make you feel happy and maybe reminisce on past summer adventures, it does not matter.
2. Make a photo collage
Because school is a complex part of your life, which demands a lot of work, it is essential that you keep your workspace as clean, organised, and motivational as possible, without any unnecessary diversions. I suggest the collage is as simple as possible. Print out 6 of your favourite times during the summer and keep them as a source of motivation.
3. Have a last meal
Remember that incredible cake/pasta/whatever you ate that time? Get it, learn to make it, forget about your diet, make yourself a coctail or something if you wish. Most importantly: treat yourself.
4. Make a summer playlist
Gather all the songs that you listened to/discovered during the summer and collect them into a funky playlist that will bring you up when you are down.
5. Set yourself a checkpoint
Be it a trip to somewhere, the premiere of a film, or a reunion of some sorts, find something you'll look forward to, write it in your calendar/put it in your phone, and begin the countdown.
How are you spending the last days of summer? Feel free to share below!
x, Valens